project-image Novelties Playing Cards

Created by Gam'inBIZ - Michiel de Wit

A set of traditional playing cards with art from the newest games at Discover games and support publishers and authors.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

1.500 decks and 3 days to go!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 06:20:05 AM

Time has flown by. Only 3 days remaining of this 14 day blitz-campaign. And we are really happy with where this is going! More than 1.500 decks have been pledged for and a lot of the cards have now been adopted. So we are hoping the last few 3 days will not just bring us to 100%, but will bring us into contact with as much local game shops and game clubs as possible. Because with their help, we will be able to reach much more people with this great deck and generate the exposure the games on it deserve!

So, please tell your favorite local game shop about this project and ask them to pledge for a retail package. And if they have any questions, please let them send a message directly to us! Also, share this project with other members of your board game club. Make sure they know about it!

Lots going on behind the scenes!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 12:58:09 PM

Good afternoon. This is a quick update to let you know there's a lot going on, mainly behind the scenes. The past few days we have been talking with a lot of publishers and retailers. We get a lot of enthusiastic reactions. Thus far, over 1.100 decks have been sold! That means a lot of extra exposure for the publishers featuring their games.

At the same time we get questions from people that note that the Kickstarter campaign itself seems to be slowing down a little. And that is indeed in sharp contrast with what is going on behind the scenes. There is not much we can do right now but ask for the help of our backers to spread the news and tell people in their game clubs and families about this campaign. Also, please tell your local game store and ask them if they would be interested in a retail box.

50% funded!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 02:35:55 PM

Today was a great day. The announcements SPIEL posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram this morning helped a lot of people find our campaign. Also, quite a number of publishers adopted cards (including Hans im Glück, The Op and Skellig Games). Furthermore, Tabletopia mentioned our deck in their newsletter today. And well, all of that made us really happy, especially since we have now crossed the 50% funding barrier! 

Of course we are not there yet. We still need all the help we can get, so please keep sharing and tell as many people about this project as you can!

First day, over 300 decks 'sold' and 11 cards 'adopted'
over 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 08:30:07 PM

Good evening. Let's start by saying thanks to everyone who backed our campaign thus far. The first day of a campaign like this is really scary and exciting. And even though nothing is sure yet, this day has given us the confidence that we should be able to get this project funded and created!

The first day, almost 80 people backed us and 'bought' over 300 decks. That's more than 16.000 cards! The project has been funded for 28% at the moment of writing.

Over 300 decks were 'sold' the first day. That really are quite a lot of playing card sets!

And just as importantly, 11 of the 54 cards in the deck have been adopted. Monday, we will start contacting backers who adopted a card and we will try and give you a first overview, both of cards taken and publishers that will be present!

Again, thank you everyone. And please help us reach as large an audience as possible by telling everyone you know about this project. Please remember, we are doing this to support board game publishers and the more people eventually get hold of a deck, the more exposure these publishers will get with their games! 

All you need to remember:

And if you're worried that sharing a long campaign URL will be a problem: all you need to remember is (short for "want to SPIEL"). That is easy, right? So please tell, mail, text, share, fax everyone you know about this! And don't forget to tell the owner of your favorite game shop!